How to Ride a Dildo

How to Ride a Dildo

Riding a dildo can be an exhilarating and deeply satisfying experience. Whether you're a novice or have some experience, understanding how to ride a dildo effectively can enhance your sexual pleasure significantly. This guide aims to provide you with expert advice, practical tips, and comprehensive insights to help you master this intimate activity.

What You Need to Know

What is a Dildo?

A dildo is a sex toy designed to mimic the shape and size of a penis. They come in various materials, sizes, and features, including suction cups that allow for hands-free use.

Why Use a Suction Cup Dildo?

Suction cup dildos offer versatility and stability, making them ideal for riding. They can be attached to various surfaces, allowing for a wide range of positions and movements.

What is a Dildo

Preparing for the Ride

Choosing the Right Dildo

  • Size and Shape: Choose a dildo that suits your comfort level and preferences.
  • Material: Silicone is a popular choice for its safety and ease of cleaning.
  • Suction Cup Strength: Ensure the suction cup is strong enough to stay in place during use.

Setting the Scene

  • Location: Find a clean, flat surface to attach the dildo, such as a tiled floor, shower wall, or a sturdy chair.
  • Comfort: Use pillows or cushions to support your body and prevent strain.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Ride a Dildo

Step 1: Warm Up

Begin with some foreplay to relax your body and stimulate arousal. Use your hands or a smaller toy to prepare your body for the dildo.

Step 2: Apply Lubricant

Generously apply water-based lubricant to the dildo and yourself. This reduces friction and enhances comfort.

Step 3: Positioning the Dildo

Attach the dildo to a firm, non-porous surface. Ensure it’s secure and at a comfortable height.

Step 4: Getting Into Position

Kneel or squat over the dildo, guiding it to your entrance. Take your time to adjust and find a comfortable angle.

Step 5: Slow Insertion

Gently lower yourself onto the dildo. Start slowly to allow your body to acclimate to the sensation.

Step 6: Finding Your Rhythm

Once you're comfortable, begin to move. Experiment with different speeds and depths to find what feels best for you.

Step 7: Exploring Different Positions

Try various positions to target different areas:

  • Squatting: Provides control and allows for deep penetration.
  • Reverse Cowgirl: Offers a different angle and can enhance G-spot stimulation.
  • On All Fours: A versatile position that can mimic doggy style.
Step-by-Step Guide on How to Ride a Dildo

Tips for Enhancing Your Experience

Listening to Your Body

Pay attention to your body's signals. If something feels uncomfortable, adjust your position or stop.

Using Additional Stimulation

Incorporate other toys, such as a clitoral vibrator, to enhance your experience.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Always clean your dildo before and after use with warm water and mild soap. Store it in a dry, clean place.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to ride a dildo?

Yes, as long as you use a dildo made from body-safe materials and follow proper hygiene practices.

How can I ensure the dildo stays in place?

Ensure the surface is clean and dry before attaching the suction cup. Press firmly to create a strong seal.

Can I use a dildo if I have never used one before?

Absolutely! Start with a smaller size and gradually work your way up as you become more comfortable.

What type of lubricant should I use?

Water-based lubricants are recommended as they are safe for all dildo materials and easy to clean.

How can I prevent discomfort during use?

Use plenty of lubricant, take your time, and listen to your body. Adjust positions if needed to ensure comfort.

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Advanced Techniques for Experienced Users

Incorporating Movement

Once comfortable with basic movements, try incorporating more dynamic motions:

  • Circular Movements: Rotate your hips for varied stimulation.
  • Bouncing: Lift and lower yourself rhythmically to increase intensity.

Using Dildos with Different Features

Experiment with dildos that have additional features such as vibration or textured surfaces.

Exploring Partner Play

Involve your partner in your experience. They can control the dildo or provide additional stimulation.

Safety Tips

Avoiding Injury

Never force the dildo if you encounter resistance. Use ample lubrication and take breaks if necessary.

Regular Check-Ups

Inspect your dildo regularly for any signs of wear or damage. Replace it if you notice any issues.

Benefits of Riding a Dildo

Physical Benefits

  • Pelvic Floor Strength: The act of riding a dildo can help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.
  • Enhanced Blood Flow: Improves circulation in the genital area, promoting sexual health.

Mental and Emotional Benefits

  • Stress Relief: Sexual activity, including riding a dildo, can reduce stress and improve mood.
  • Increased Confidence: Exploring your sexuality can boost self-esteem and confidence.
Benefits of Riding a Dildo

Exploring Different Settings

Shower and Bath

Using a suction cup dildo in the shower or bath can add an exciting element to your routine.

Bedroom Play

Attach the dildo to a chair or the edge of the bed for more traditional bedroom play.


Learning how to ride a dildo can be a deeply satisfying and empowering experience. By following this guide, you can enhance your pleasure, ensure safety, and explore new dimensions of your sexuality. Remember to take your time, listen to your body, and have fun!

Reputable address to buy dildos
Reputable address to buy dildos

Contact Kisscircle immediately to have more detailed questions about the product answered

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